Tuesday, September 23, 2003

RiverSbend wrote:


The governing council does not back its finance minister statement to allow foreign ownership in most economic sectors here, his comments were not "official."

Only the council president could announce policy, "and the statements attributed to the finance minister about the law of investment cannot be considered official."

The minister's announcement that Iraq would be open to 100-per cent foreign ownership in all sectors except oil had sparked criticism in Iraqi business circles.

The council promised to come up with a "precise, scientific version that will guarantee the rights of the Iraqi people and will serve the high interests of the country."

- posted by river @ 8:34 PM

[Brian’s Comment – familiar MO. All the above comes from http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/09/25/1064083087259.html]

Iraq Council Bans Arab TV Stations Today

The Governing Council said today it would limit the operations of Qatar-based Al Jazeera and Dubai-based Al Arabiya satellite channels it accused of "encouraging terrorism."

The council said the temporary move is a clear message to other channels that might stir unrest among Iraqis.

The Council said they have breached the guidelines by endangering stability and democracy and by encouraging terrorism.

"The Governing Council decided to ban them from covering council activities and official press conferences, and to deny their correspondents access to ministries and council buildings.
- posted by river @ 7:49 PM

[Brian’s Comment – another shortened steal. All the above sentences appear in this article on Al-jazeera]

Akila al-Hashimi's Condition is Worsening

There is a serious declinein her condition. She had been preparing to leave for this week's U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York when she was ambushed. Ahmad Chalabi blamed Saddam loyalists for the attack on al-Hashimi as part of a campaign to target Iraqis who work with the coalition.

al-Hashim was in our Foreign Ministry during the Saddam government and is the only official of Saddam's government appointed to the 25-member Governing Council and had been expected to become our new envoy to the United Nations.
- posted by river @ 6:05 AM

[Brian’s Comment – again another short prĂ©cis plagiarized from international news:

Bomb Misses U.S. Patrol, Kills Iraqi, STEVEN R. HURST, Associated Press
“Ahmad Chalabi, blamed Saddam loyalists for the attack on al-Hashimi as part of a campaign to target Iraqis who work with the U.S.-led coalition.”

“She served in the Foreign Ministry during the Saddam government and was the only official of the ousted regime appointed to the 25-member Governing Council. She had been expected to become Iraq's new envoy to the United Nations.”

[Brian's Comment - the tiny tinkering of words turning “the” into “our” etc. shows how our blogger takes news sources and tries ineptly and lazily to personalize them. This removes even the feeble excuse that the blogger was intending to quote foreign news, and just now aware that it should be attributed. This case is particularly notable since it involves the tragic death of a potential role-model female citizen in the new Iraq. Imagine a US citizen writing about the assassination of JFK or MLK. Instead of saying what they feel, they go to a foreign news service and change the words around. It is quite unimaginable. Obviously this blogger, is not, an Iraqi woman – if there remained any cause for doubt.]