Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Troy Finds True Love

Perhaps it's a little early to be sure, but it seems new romance has brought a little ray of sunshine into Troy's life. Hopefully the healing power of love may serve to lessen some of Troy's troubling inner rage.

Here he writes lyrically in what is presumably his latest fake Riverbend blog, Just Around the River Bend

Monday, November 17, 2003

This weekend was the best 48 hours of my life! I got to spend loads of time with Justin and I now know that I'm absolutely, completely, head over heals, forever and ever amen in love with him!!!!!!

We at BendingTruth would like to extend our very best wishes in the future to Troy as he seeks to make a life together with Justin. Make love Troy, not nasty smearing anti-free speech blogs.

(Could... not... resist...)